A look back at the things God has done through Emmanuel Haiti's ministry in the last ten years.
Just Go Haiti
The Emmanuel Orphanage in Jeremie, Haiti began when Pastor Honore Guerriere and his wife Mona agreed to take in a group of orphaned children whose caregivers were leaving the country. For over ten years, this group lived in an abandoned nightclub in downtown Jeremie and prayed that God would deliver them from their difficult conditions. Many people came to visit the children, including teams from Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, TN who were in Jeremie in partnership with the Lundy Orphanage nearby. In July 2013, one such group visited Emmanuel and learned while they were there that the Haitian government had given the group 30 days to vacate the premises. With nowhere to go, the children would be left in the streets with no one to care for them.

Upon returning to the United States, the $50,000 to build the orphanage was raised by Mt. Carmel Church in Cross Plains, TN in just two days, and the new orphanage was built on land that had been given to Pastor Honore. God not only provided a new home for these children, but also monthly sponsors who would cover their monthly expenses for food, water, school tuition, uniforms and medical care. The first team from Mt. Carmel was sent to the Emmanuel Orphanage in February 2014. In the fall of 2014, once again God provided, and a new church building was built at the orphanage to reach the Chateau area for Christ. Mt. Carmel currently sends four teams a year (VBS, medical, birthday and Christmas celebrations) and 127Worldwide sends two teams a year to continue the relationship with the wonderful “gwoup” at Emmanuel and watch God work in the lives of the children and those who go to visit them.
Get out of your comfort zone and minister to the least of these
Mt. Carmel sends teams each year to minister to the Emmanuel Children’s Village, the Boys’ and Girl’s’ Transition Homes, the Jeremie area and surrounding communities. Come join us!
Next Trip:
JULY 24-31, 2023
The Whispering Willow - Thailand
We are a non-profit organization established in Northern Thailand, providing empowering programs through Education, Employment and Restoration.
We are advocates for the protection of women & children and aim to break the cycle of gender-based exploitation through comprehensive & collaborative support.
“Slavery & human trafficking is the exploitation of a person and it is rooted in the system of dishonour and violence. It exist through the fractured mindset and the silence of people like you & me” – Helen Avadiar-Nimbalker, Founder
We aim to break that silence.