Trunk or Treat

What is Trunk-or-Treat at Mt Carmel?
A fun community event.
What does it involve?
Trunk-or-Treat, train ride, pony rides, slides, balloon artists, face painting, and of course – CANDY! Food trucks will be available for treats and food at their cost. Join us for fun for the whole family!

What is OUTDOOR Trunk-or-Treat at Kilgore Park?
A church-sponsored Fall/Halloween event where children of all ages trick or treat from station to station (instead of house to house) on the walking trail at Kilgore Park socially distanced (weather permitting). All of our volunteers will decorate these areas and hand out candy just like at neighborhood Trick-or-Treat events. The event provides a safe family environment for trick or treaters, the children of our community, and church.
How much does it cost?
The event is absolutely free! Food trucks will be available for treats and food at their cost.

Should my child wear a costume?
Yes! Costumes are encouraged, though not required. Please remember there will be children of all ages, so no scary or gory costumes.
Do I need a bag for candy?
Yes or No! Bring a bag of your choice or we will give one at the event!